Mold filling simulation allows for verifying part design before mold tool steel is ever cut—ensuring that major revisions will not be necessary to either the part or the molds.
Basics of FEA meshing You can’t run a simulation without meshing; it’s not possible. Meshing is to simulation what chicken is to chicken soup – the core building block. Meshing creates the finite elements that ...
What do you really need to know to get started?
With examples in SOLIDWORKS Simulation.
Simulating stress using von Mises, Tresca and maximum principal stress.
SOLIDWORKS Simulation makes it easy to determine whether a structure satisfies its design criteria for a particular set of loading conditions. As many users can attest, having only one loading condition is rarely the case. ...
Most engineers and designers are clear about understanding failure from tension or bending loads. However, buckling is a form of structural instability—and ultimately failure—caused by compressive forces. A normal stress analysis won’t provide any sort ...
SOLIDWORKS Simulation product manager talks thermal analysis.
Watershot’s underwater camera housing brings ocean-going photography and exploration to the masses.