Do you want to emotionally engage with a potential customer, immerse them in 3D and articulate what is best about your product? You’re going to need more than a photo. Let us illustrate how you ...
Practical, yet simple tips and tricks to improve customer experience and first impressions, such as materials, views, environment settings, and web page layouts.
Have you seen cool 3D-enabled online products with augmented reality? Here is the latest 3D commerce development and how 3D content can be built.
Web AR has gained strong adoption thanks to its practical benefits and ease of use.
How to see personalized digital products in your room on Android devices.
Highlights of SOLIDWORKS online configurator Sell 2.11.3 include materials, smoother geometries and optimized control buttons on a preview layout.
How can a marketer or a designer with zero coding experience build an appealing webpage layout with a powerful 3D configurator?
Before placing an online order, you can fit a 3D digital product into your actual environment with augmented reality.
With the October release of Sell Publisher, you can push online the configurations automatically with better consistency.
In light of the strong growth of e-commerce and a surprising lack of 3D online product customizations, wouldn’t it be sensible to repurpose CAD models for online sales and marketing?
Online shopping has been widely adopted across the globe. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could interrogate 3D product models on a webpage, customize desirable options to your liking in an online catalog, and make ...
A common question on Model-Based Enterprise is how to implement. At SOLIDWORKS World 2018, several experts shared their insights. Let’s recap the lessons learned and recommended practices.
SOLIDWORKS can help you reuse sketch dimensions. However, here are three areas to consider with this practice.
Some manufacturers define dimensions and tolerances in sketches, so would like to reuse them in the 3D space. Let’s find out how.
Datum features are the foundation of sound GD&T definitions. As the basic references of dimensions and tolerances, they guide the machining and inspection procedures. SOLIDWORKS MBD has built GD&T rules into the software to automatically ...
GD&T is an engineering language widely used in both 2D drawings and MBD. Are there any definition differences in these two approaches? This article will illustrate three MBD advantages over 2D drawings in GD&T compliances.
After annotations are defined on 3D models directly, rather than in separate 2D drawings, how can a quality inspector extract the key characteristics to generate inspection reports? SOLIDWORKS Inspection 2018 answered this need to support ...
New in SOLIDWORKS 2018 is a dedicated CAM package. To automate the Numeric Code programming, it reads the tolerance information from the 3D annotations directly attached to models. SOLIDWORKS calls it a game changer. How ...
SOLIDWORKS 2018 released a dedicated CAM package. To automate the Numeric Code (NC) programming, it reads the surface finishes in 3D annotations directly attached to models. How does it work? What can you do with ...
Many manufacturers are moving toward Model-Based Definition (MBD), but the daily productions cannot run without 2D drawings. How can you accommodate both approaches? SOLIDWORKS MBD 2018 built a bridge in between.
Pairs of tabs and slots are widely used in self-locating and self-fixturing designs such as food processing machines and furniture. Up to now, it has been time consuming and repetitive to manually create multiple pairs ...
Configurations are very popular among SOLIDWORKS users, but how can you present multiple configurations and associative properties in one 3D PDF document? SOLIDWORKS MBD 2018 now provides the answer.
Laborious 3D annotations and their overwhelmingly busy displays present constant challenges to MBD implementations on both the authoring and consumption sides. Let’s see how SOLIDWORKS MBD 2018’s can help.
Mounting clearance hole patterns are widely used in mechanical and electrical designs. Because a pattern holds multiple fasteners to fasten and stabilize components together, the entire pattern, rather than individual holes, is typically established as ...
Not only can SOLIDWORKS Design Checker detect potential model quality issues, but it can also help correct them.
With Model-Based Definition (MBD) datasets, how can you communicate more in 3D models directly and less in 2D drawings with your suppliers and clients? Let’s check out the data exchange support added to the latest ...
How can you make sure that your 3D models are built with high quality to drive the model-centric manufacturing processes? SOLIDWORKS Design Checker can help.
Are your MBD views crowed with 3D annotations? Try combining multiple callouts into a single annotation.
Machine shops often receive a wide variety of CAD formats from clients to run machining jobs. Or an in-house factory may need to program toolpaths on models from engineering teams on different CAD platforms. SOLIDWORKS ...
Are you running simulations with models of non-SOLIDWORKS formats? Check out how 3D Interconnect can help.
Asymmetrical tolerances often cause headaches to machinists. To reduce the scraps and reworks, CAMWorks can help automatically machine to the mean sizes, rather than the nominal sizes.
What MBD benefits did Johnson Controls observe? How did it manage the transition from 2D drawings to MBD?
An example of automatically integrating design changes into a weldment simulation study.
What is STEP 242? Why is it important? How is SOLIDWORKS supporting it?
Johnson Controls is convinced of the 3D GD&T advantages over 2D drawings in the MBD process.
Adopting 3D PDF doesn’t necessarily mean a successful MBD implementation. On the flip side, a successful MBD implementation doesn’t necessarily need 3D PDF either.
Facing digital MBD data in place of 2D drawings, how should we build trust in the data?
With so many MBD variables such as models, annotations, configurations, display states, annotation views, orientations and zooming scales, how should we capture and retrieve them?
As the capabilities of SOLIDWORKS MBD grow, more and more commands are emerging. You can customize the software’s UI to your liking.
Great design and engineering ideas have to go through manufacturing to reach fruition. Let’s find out how Gulfstream uses the MBD data to empower downstream manufacturing.